7 Ways To Grow
1. Eat Enough Calories.
Be sure you’re not in a calorie deficit because of your training. Take in a minimum of 18 calories per pound of bodyweight per day.
2. Eat Enough Fat.
Eat at least 30% of your total daily calories from fat — 10% saturated fat, 10% monounsaturated fat and 10% polyunsaturated fat — with the majority being omega-3 fats. Eat fruits and veggies for their polyphenols and fiber, but don’t skimp on fat, because it is essential for making steroid hormones — and testosterone is one of the key anabolic steroid hormones. Saturated fat is particularly important, so don’t skimp on beef, either. In fact, a study from Penn State (University Park) found that weight-trained males eating low amounts of saturated fat had significantly lower levels of testosterone than those eating higher amounts of saturated fat.
3. Eat Enough Carbs.
To keep your testosterone levels maxed, you should be eating at least 1 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight per day. This equates to about 200 g for a 200-pound bodybuilder. This will prevent ketosis and provide ample carbs to keep testosterone levels up. In a mass-gain phase, get in a minimum of 2 g of carbs per pound of bodyweight. When trying to really drop bodyfat by minimizing carbs, keep your carb intake to no less than 0.5 g per pound of bodyweight. This will give you just enough carbs to prevent the excretion of LH and the drop in test that accompanies it.
4.Take Calcium
Testosterone levels increased at exhaustion before and after supplementation relative to resting values; this was also true when active subjects were compared to inactive subjects. But researchers also found that training resulted in increased testosterone levels in athletes, and that the increase is greater if accompanied by calcium supplementation. Not only is calcium good for bones and for fat loss, it’s good for increasing testosterone.
Take 500-600 milligrams of calcium twice per day with a meal, such as at breakfast and dinner.
5. Dont Eat too Much Fiber
The high-fiber diets were linked to significant drops in testosterone. The fiber may cause more testosterone to be excreted in feces.
Keep fiber to about 35 g daily. You need adequate fiber for health and fat loss, but going overboard on fiber can increase the amount of testosterone your body excretes.
6. Drink Ample Of Aminos
The placebo group showed significant reductions in total testosterone, and total testosterone values were higher in the AA group than the P group. This proves that essential/conditionally essential amino acid supplementation effectively decreases muscle-strength loss during training, possibly because it reduces muscle damage by maintaining an anabolic environment. Another study found that consuming 1,500 mg of arginine and 1,500 mg of lysine under rest conditions increased growth hormone secretion.
7. Combine Carbs & Protein Post Workout
The placebo group showed no significant change in glucose or insulin. The CHO and CHO + EAA solutions significantly increased glucose and insulin concentrations above baseline, whereas the EAA alone resulted in a significant postexercise increase in insulin only. The subjects on the placebo exhibited a significant increase in cortisol. However, the treatment groups showed no significant change in cortisol during the exercise bout, with CHO and CHO + EAA finishing 27% and 23%, respectively, below baseline. So, both CHO and/or EAA ingestion during a single resistance training exercise suppresses the exercise-induced cortisol response, as well as stimulates insulin release. But in a follow-up study, the researchers found that the CHO + EAA combo was best for producing gains in muscle size. Additionally, researchers from the University of Connecticut (Storrs) reported that fast-digesting proteins, such as whey, and fastdigesting carbs taken after workouts increase the amount of protein taken up by the muscle cells and increase the number of testosterone receptors in muscle cells. This means that more testosterone can be put to work to stimulate muscle growth.
Postexercise, go for a combination of 40 g of whey and 40-80 g of fast carbs to get in ample EAAs and carbs; this will blunt cortisol and spike insulin for maximizing muscle growth.